Sahabat .

Mysarah. | Saturday, June 22, 2013 | 01 Wishes
Assalamualaikum .
Hyee, Hyee Awak!
Awaklah, a'ah awak :D
Okay fine. Taknak mengaku sudaaah. *mata ke atas. 

Wait, wait!
You have still given chances to say Alhamdulillah for every breath you take ;)

So, hari ini saya tadak ceritalaaaah. Okay, How's your day today? Good? 
Sebelum bace post nie,  pergi kat youtube. Cari lagu Sahabat yang korang suka dan click utk dengar. Cehhh, Macam tutorial pulaaaak (Y) .

Semua orang ade sahabat betull ? krik krik. JAWABLAAAAH
*Betul cikgu ; Hik hok hik hok :p
Tapi korang tau tak ape maksud sahabat ? 
Taktau ? Pepandailah cari dekat Google .
Heeee, I'm not Genius okayy ! ;)

 hmmmmmmmm. get it? but that's what  
Google says. do you wanna hear what i says? yes? no? -_-

soooooooooo, here it goes:
according to my experience, a friend /kawan/ sahabat or in other languages that exist is someone who can BE WITH YOU & STAY BY YOUR SIDE no matter what happens.
 troubles, happiness, sadness, loneliness. TOGETHER. forever & always be.

everyone have friends right? you too, don't you? soooo, my point for this entry this time is about the APPRECIATION of what our friends had given@not given to us. we should be proud of what we have. PROUD to have a friend. a friend who can give us a shoulder to cry on, to lean on. TRUE FRIEND. that's it. 

aren't you guys're proud to have one of them? just imagine. when everybody throws you away, there comes someone whom you can trust. who can leads you to a wonderful world. 

TRUST ME, a true friend rather die than letting anyone@anything hurts you. 

i wanna be like ABU BAKAR as-SIDDIQ, the first 'khalifah'. 
he is the 'sahabat' RASULULLAH S.A.W
i wanna be as sincere as he is to be someone's true friend.

 I will always love you dear FRIENDS. Just wait.
In Shaa Allah, i'll bring our friendship till JANNAH. ameen..

Group tasmie' sayaaaaa :)

Mysarah. | Thursday, June 20, 2013 | 01 Wishes
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Assalamualiakum  kepada
Abang , Kakak, Makcik, Pakcik, Atok, Nenek and whatsoever .
#Sila pilih yang mane anda rase SESUAI untu diri anda. Ulang balik, SESUAI, Okay :D ?
So, hari nie ade dua post sekali gus. SO WHAAAAT ? >.<
Do I look like I care ? No ? Good.
Hah, berbalik kepada tajuk. Hari nie nak memperkenalkan sikit GROUP TASMIE 12/13 saye di MRSM Gemencheh yang serba indah. okay, ayat tak boleh bla :p
Ketua ; Marieah Zahairi :)
Ahli yang setiaaa : Marieah 04, Masyitah 04, Balqis 05, Izzati 05, Syarah 02 dan aku  01 ;)
kami dari tahun 2012 till 2013.
Then, tahun nie tambah lagi dua orang 
Syafiqah 05, Fasihah 04
*01,02,04,05 tu kelas okeh. Understoood? 
Kami makan Mangga. 
Mangga tengok kami.
Suapan Abi :)

Oh, lupe pulak. Nak memperkenalkan Guru tasmie' . Hah, tu die Ust. Muhd Sholiheen Osman. Sebagai Guru tasmie kami dan Sekali gus Penyelaras UlulAlbab (UA). 
Lalalala, kami bersyukur kerana telah pon berada di dalam group nie, sebab ape-ape aktiviti yang kiteorg buat, Jarang ade dekat group laen. Dan kalau ade ape-ape Info pasal UA. Kiteorang tahu dulu . Bestkan ?
Haha, tapi time, takde modal, hanya Allah saje yang tahu betape takutnye hati ini utk mengahadapi dugaan tu.
OKAY, sampai sini ajelahlaah kot. Sebab dah kekeringan  idea. Al-maklumlah hari nie saye berpuasaaaa.
Puasa, puasa. tengok apple nie pon dah keliur dah nie.
Okay, tu jea kot nak gebang untuk hari nie. In Shaa Allah, kalau ade masa, hari-hari saya Update blog keramat niee. I mention IF, right? GREAT :)
Saranghae fillah. Because of Allah. 
Pen Off Here. Assalamualaikum.