it's all about Anak encik Azmi :P

Mysarah. | Saturday, December 14, 2013 | 01 Wishes
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Adibah Sufi
 Yeah, don't ask me which one is Adibah -,-
Now, here's a story mory about my TRUE BUDDY lahh.
This girl had lead me to many doors of life :D
Depa nih boleh cite kawan paling rapat akulah dekat maktab *sahabat* lah kann ? Well, duduk kat kelas pon sebelah sebelah . Bilik depan depan. Depa ni seorang yang sensitif, garanglah jugak. Tapi aku tak kesah. Aku lagi suka carik pasal ngan diaaa :P 
She's been my bestprenggg since form one. 

Dulu waktu , memang pertalian kiteorg rapat gila gila dulu, *ceh* selau gaduh gaduh ngan dia. Selalu sangaaaaaaaaaaaattttt. Then kalau ingat balik, mak aihhh kelakau ah sebab kenapa gaduh. But she reamins my bestprengg till Jannah. In Sha Allah.

Dia nih merangkap Bendahari dekat kelas kiteorg. Dia nie mulutnya kalahkan mak nenek kebayan tepi perigi ahahah -.- Okay ape aku merepek . Hmmm, mulut becok macam murai. Cuma taktercabut ekor sbb takde ekor. Dia ade fair dengann ...Opss :# Itu secret keh.
She's there for me. Giving Advices and guidance just like my beloved parents. I know she's there when I lost in my life. She takes me back to the right road. Sirattul Mustaqqim gituhh :))

Mule mule we not really that close like BBF thing even though we have so much in common. But My LOYALTY for our friendship IS ALWAYS THERE FOR HER. :* 
When, you look at her picture up there, what do you think about her eh  ? Yeah, She's Beautiful . Ade peminatt wuuuuu. Beratur tunggu mase jer. 

Well Adibah, I wish you and me All the best jadi hafizah . I'm proud of you. Jangan putus semangat dekat maktab tau. Kalau rasa down , ingat aku bagi semangat sebelah kau. Cewahhh gituhh :P Hmmm, Keep it mind, aku sentiase sayang kau okay? Stay my bestfriend.  I Lap cuci sental you as always. Muahhhh :* 
xoxo Goodluck PBSMR !

This two buds if flower shows how me and you are. <3

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